What’s my Skin Type?

Your specific skin type is a basic genetic pre-disposition which underlies the general behaviour and characteristics of your skin.
On top of this, other factors can influence its appearance over time. These factors include climate, sun exposure, poor air and water quality, use of make-up and other skin products including prescription creams, hormonal fluctuations, stress (emotional, physical and environmental), age and diet. One or more of these factors can have the effect of damaging or sensitizing your skin, causing it to behave differently to your original genetic skin type.
For example, at puberty the surge of reproductive hormones can have the effect of increasing the production of sebum in the skin, causing pores to clog up, trapping dirt and residue. This results in blackheads or if infection occurs, acne which is typically treated by using detergent-based anti-bacterial washes.
Detergents are very good at dissolving grease and oil (they were, after all, developed for industrial strength cleaning and subsequently migrated into household and personal care products due to their inexpensive production). They are so effective that with repeated use they also dissolve the lipids (fats) that hold the epidermal cells together and form part of the skin’s water-proof barrier.
As these lipids are dissolved, the skin cells fall apart and slough off, leaving the skin thinner and more permeable to other external sensitizers. The body then typically reacts by working overtime making more sebum and more cells to push to the surface to repair the epidermis, setting up a chain reaction leading to dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and more acne!
Thus, skin which may be genetically oily, undergoing a period of hormonal change, can end up extremely damaged, dry and sensitized with inappropriate treatment. This is just one example and doesn’t include the added effect of poor diet, chlorinated drinking and washing water, regular sun exposure, exam and relationship stress, heavy cover-up and prescription creams…
….all common experiences for a teenager!
As skin matures, it receives less growth hormone, and as it experiences life changes such as menopause, it will lose the ability to retain moisture and become dehydrated. Both of these factors, together with increased years of sun exposure lead to loss of elasticity, which in turn leads to the formation of wrinkles and loss of skin tone. Early use of natural sunscreens and developing the daily habit of consuming plenty of pure filtered water and a wholefood diet rich in fresh fruit & vegetables and antioxidants will help keep the effects of ageing to a minimum.
Skin Type Test
Do our simple 5 minute test to find out your current skin type.