Resveratrol and vitamin D for immunity

Resveratrol and vitamin d for immunity

I’m often talking about resveratrol, the polyphenol found in red grape skins, which has proven ability to prevent structural changes in brain tissue leading to dementia.

Perhaps it’s one of my favourite topics because I can think healthy thoughts while enjoying a glass of red wine. Well, a study published in the Journal of Wine Research1 reveals that organic wine contains 30% higher levels of resveratrol than conventional wine.

As resveratrol is produced in response to bacterial and fungal attack, sprayed grapes don’t get the opportunity to manufacture this amazing plant chemical. This may also be the link to resveratrol’s immune stimulating properties - all good reasons to pour yourself a glass of organic red wine while preparing dinner. Keep in mind that Australia’s dietary guidelines advocate moderate alcohol intake: any more than 2 standard drinks for women (or 300ml wine) and 3 standard drinks for men per day and the benefits are reversed. If you find your thirst takes over, do as the ancient Romans did and dilute your wine with purified water.

On the topic of immune system stimulants, a report in the Medical Journal of Australia2 suggests that a single preventative shot of 600 000IU vitamin D may be more effective than the annual ‘flu shot which must continually rely on updated strains of influenza virus. Considering vitamin D is made in the skin after sun exposure (drastically reduced with sunscreen use and lower intensity of UV in winter) and very few adequate dietary sources are available, supplementation is well worth considering prior to ‘flu season.

Autumn is the time to strengthen your immune system before winter infections enter schools, public spaces and workplaces. I can help you prepare for the winter season with natural solutions to combat stress and prevent infections.

To learn more, please use the contact form to write in.

Author: Tess Dingle ND ANutr
MHumNutr, GCertPubHlthNutr,
BHSc(Comp Med), AdvDipHSc(Nat/Hom)
Founder & Creator of Third Stone Botanicals

1. Micelli A, Negro C, Tommasi L, de Leo P. Polyphenols, resveratrol, antioxidant activity, and ochratoxin A contamination in red table wines, Controlled Denomination of Origin (COD) wines and wines obtained from organic farming. J Wine Res. 2003 Dec;14:2-3.
2. Ebeling PR. Megadose therapy for vitamin D deficiency. Med J Aust. 2005 Jul 4;183(1):4-5.

Originally published April 2012 | Disclaimer & Copyright